Are Stocks About to Crash

Are Stocks About to Crash

This question is one we get asked all the time and the short answer is yes. To be clear, this is not me making some outlandish prediction about shares as if you know anything about how we view investing you would know that this is the last thing we recommend you do....
Are you investing or gambling?

Are you investing or gambling?

Sport plays a significant role in the Australian psyche, and in an Olympic year that usually – COVID permitting in 2021 – goes up a notch on the international scale. Australians are also partial to a punt on their favorite sport. You only have to watch a sports event...
How to avoid the ‘investment handicap’

How to avoid the ‘investment handicap’

For anyone out there who has invested before, regardless of whether it is in shares, property, cash or foreign exchange (to name a few), you will know that there is no perfect formula which guarantees success.  Like many things in life, you will be faced with...
Is it time to start panicking?

Is it time to start panicking?

Happy Halloween! I must admit, I never really got the point of Halloween growing up.  Maybe it’s because when I was young the internet was still fairly new and the influence of the US on our culture wasn’t as great as it is now.  Or maybe it’s because there...
“Mum, where do returns come from?”

“Mum, where do returns come from?”

There are many theories about why most “active” fund managers fail to consistently outperform their benchmarks. It takes many years of study and market experience to become a portfolio manager, but good results are often elusive. One theory is that there...